A Rubidium standard or rubidium atomic clock is a frequency standard in which a specified hyperfine transition of electrons in rubidium-87 atoms is used to control the output frequency. It is the most inexpensive, compact, and widely used type of atomic clock, used to control the frequency of television stations, cell phone base stations, in test equipment, and global navigation satellite systems like GPS. Commercial rubidium clocks are less accurate than cesium atomic clocks, which serve as primary frequency standards, so the rubidium clock is a secondary frequency standard.
The stability characteristics of a frequency source over temperature and time are key components in the design of wireless base stations, precision test and measurement equipment, network timing sources and military communications equipment. Rubidium Oscillator stability forms the foundation of a frequency or timing reference and the performance will show through in the overall system performance. Vectron has 70+ years in working with customers to ensure the success of their design.