New Products Coming Soon

Elkay is coming up with whole new Product range in GIS & Analytics, Navigation and Surviellance and Open Source Technology Services. Keep checking our website. Thanks !

Welcome to Elkay

Looking for OEM Distribution, In-Design Service or System Integration. Find all your requirements with Elkay. We also deal in Navigation Surveillance and Security, Information Technology and Solutions. Contact us today. Thanks, Team Elkay.


Strengthened our presence in Western region. Signed distributorship with leading software companies IBM, Esri, Ashnik Tech, MI, Infomap.


Strengthened our offering in Navigation Surveillance and Security solutions by Partnering with Septentrio and Juniper systems.Signed distributorship with first Software Company “Crison Software”


Served over 500 clients in Government and Private sector starting 1992Strong business association with 40+ principals across US, Europe and Far east.


Ventured into Design, Prototyping and Testing of Components and Sub-systems.


Build deep expertise in architecting and design of systems and RF and Microwave, Communication and Sitcom. Mode of engagement:1. Build to Spec.2. Build to Print.3. System Integration.


Awarded “Best Emerging Indo-US company in South-Asia” by the Indo-American chamber of commerce (IACC)


Started our presence in Indian market by opening Chennai office.  and eventually shifted our base to Singapore in 2011


Expanded further and started operations in Hong Kong in 2002


Expanded our business in Electro Mechanical products collaborating with some of the leading global OEM’s in this segment.


Started Europe operations in Netherlands.


Established Elkay Globally. Build strong technical expertise around RF & MW and Frequency control products. Signed distributorship with world’s leading OEM’s as exclusive partners to represent their products in Indian market. Setup marketing arm in India (Bangalore, Delhi, Hyderabad, Ahmedabad)